Talking Trade-Offs: Using interactive public involvement techniques to prioritize investment on Minnesota’s state highways

Resource Overview

Date published:
Resource type: Social Media, Website/ Tool
External link:
Summary: This project was a 2012 John and Jane Public Competition winner. From TRB Committee ADA 60: Traditionally, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has used an open house format to communicate ideas and concepts in the State Highway Investment Plan update. Desiring a more robust public involvement element, the recent update uses a variety of communication techniques to better educate and engage the public in the difficult risk and investment trade-offs. In addition to using standard outreach techniques, such as maintaining a project website, using social media (Facebook and Twitter), and updates via a project email list, MnDOT implemented several innovative tools. Examples are a budgeting exercise, webinars, and an online tool to assess the values of the public and identify where citizens want greater investment along the state’s highways.

This document addresses the following performance areas:
System Performance.
Intended audiences: Public
Intended messages: Call to Action, Case for Funding, Tough Choices
Intended messengers: DOT Communications

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