The Big Move: Engaging the Public on a 25-year Transportation Plan

Resource Overview

Date published:
Resource type: Report
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Summary: This project was a 2013 John and Jane Competition winner. From TRB Committee ADA 60: The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area is Canada’s largest urban region and the fifth largest in North America. The region is growing quickly, and the transportation system has not kept pace with population growth. This underinvestment has left local residents grinding out an 82-minute commute on average every day. The next wave of transportation projects requires $34 billion in public investment. To secure funding, Metrolinx needed to build public understanding about benefits and costs, and solicit input concerning transportation fees, tolls, and taxes. Metrolinx teamed up with MASS LBP, a public engagement firm, to develop and implement a public engagement and communications strategy that educated residents and enabled a two-way conversation about transportation projects and funding. The strategy was based on a three-pronged approach that combined a Conversation Kit, Public Roundtable Meetings and an in-depth Residents’ Reference Panel. Together, these efforts effectively communicated the many elements of The Big Move and empowered residents to learn about the need for – and to provide input into – the transformation of transportation across the region.

This document addresses the following performance areas:
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Intended audiences: Public
Intended messages: Call to Action, Case for Funding
Intended messengers: Outside Partner/ Independent Voice

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