Putting performance in perspective

The agency seeks to complement the national-level performance reporting publication with a set of its own communications products. These will help make the case that such comparisons, even if based on common measures with common dimensions of performance, can still be limited by the inability to control for factors outside the agency’s control.

The Process

Click and expand each step in the process for more information and to access useful resources.

Example communications resources:

  1. Fighting Transportation Myths with Reality
    March 1, 2014 / Michigan DOT
  2. NYSDOT Key Performance Indicators Report, FY 2010-11
    January 1, 2012 / New York State DOT
  3. Oregon DOT Key Performance Measures Summary
    November 14, 2014 / Oregon DOT
  4. Sitting in Traffic Again? I-295 in the Vicinity of I-76 & NJ 42
    September 1, 2013 / Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
  5. MAPSS Scorecard
    October 1, 2014 / Wisconsin DOT


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